Registration to join the health workforce planning and forecasting expert network in the framework of the Call for tenders N° Chafea/2016/Health/18 concerning the support for the health workforce planning and forecasting expert network (hereinafter ‘Joint Tender’ SEPEN) managed by the EU Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea).
The personal information requests from you will be processed in line with Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.
Who is the data controller?
The data controller is the Head of the Public Health Unit of Chafea.
Joint Tender SEPEN consisting of Semmelweis University, and further the University of Leuven, the Italian National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS), the Italian Ministry of Health and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) are processors of personal data, acting upon instructions by the EU Executive Agency Chafea and by DG SANTE. CPME, member of the Joint tender, will collect data through the registration form and make them available to members of the Joint tender. With respect to the processing of personal data, the data controllers and the data processor shall act in accordance with Regulation 45/2001.
Who has access to your information and to whom is it disclosed?
The data are collected and processed by the SEPEN, carrying out a contract on behalf of the EU Agency Chafea (Call for tenders Chafea/2016/Health/18 concerning the support for the health workforce planning and forecasting expert network). CPME on behalf of the Joint Tender SEPEN collects information for the purposes of carrying out the activities described under work packages 1-5 (as described in the invitation). The information collected is solely used for the purposes of the execution of this contract.
Staff of the Health Unit of the EU Executive Agency Chafea may have access to this information for the needs of the execution of the current contract.
Data are requested on a voluntary basis. Experts may choose not to register with this expert network.
Please note that for activities mentioned under Work Package 1 of the present invitation, you will be invited to register to an online forum hosted by a platform managed by the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) (EU Health Policy Platform).
For more information on the processing of personal data through the EU Health Policy Platform, please refer to the notification DPO-3777. - EU Health Policy Platform and to the specific privacy statement under point 11 of the notification.
Access, Correction and updating of data
Should you need to correct or update any data after the submission of the present registration form, you may do so by sending an e-mail to:
You have the possibility of withdrawing consent at any time by contacting the processor in the following mail:
You have the right to access, correct or update your data at any time by contacting the processor at
For complaints, you have the right to have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor:
Legal basis for collecting data – lawfulness of the processing operation
The legal basis of the processing operation for which the data is intended is that the processing is necessary for the execution of the Joint Tender, pursuant to article 5 (a) of Regulation 45/2001.How long do we keep your data?
The Joint Tender SEPEN, led by Semmelweis University, consisting of the University of Leuven, the Italian National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS), the Italian Ministry of Health and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) carries out this contract on behalf of the EU Agency Chafea. CPME primarily collects your data, while all members of SEPEN have access to it. The Joint Tender will keep the information included in the registration form for no longer than 6 months after the execution of the contract that is 4 March 2021. The retention period starts the moment you register and send the registration form to the mail indicated in the invitation. Beyond this period, anonymised data will be kept only for statistical purposes.
Contact Information
In case you wish to verify which personal data is stored, have it modified, corrected, or deleted, or if you have questions regarding the personal information processed in the context this tender, or concerning your rights, feel free to contact:
Chafea (the data controller) at the following mail:
The Data Protection Officer of Chafea:
I consent to my data being made available to stakeholders solely for the purposes of the actions under WP 2-5, as described in the invitation letter:
If you wish to be part of the expert network, you should give your consent, if not, you are still welcome to follow the work of the SEPEN joint tender on and by signing up for our newsletter.
I consent to being contacted with regard to activities carried out within the Work Packages 1-5, as described in the attached invitation If you wish to be part of the expert network, you should give your consent, if not, you are still welcome to follow the work of the SEPEN joint tender on and by signing up for our newsletter.