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UniMatter research - University Students Matter!

Supporting student well-being and academic success by increasing perceived mattering 2023/24

Dear Responders!

The following set of questions assesses various factors of university students' well-being. The questionnaire research is carried out as part of the international EUNIWELL project in Hungarian, Italian, British and French higher education institutions. Filling in is anonymous, the data provided is handled and stored securely in accordance with data protection regulations, and is only used for research purposes. In the research, the data is analyzed in international aggregated sample and aggregated per country. The participation is voluntary, completing or not completing the questionnaire does not represent any advantage or disadvantage during your study. The head of the research in Hungary is Dr. Pethesné Dr. Beáta Dávid, university professor, and director of the Institute of Mental Health, Semmelweis University. The research coordinator is Zsuzsanna Papp, in case of questions, write to the email address

Participants of the research may participate in a lottery, further information about the prices can be found here: 

Filling out the questionnaire takes approx. 25 minutes.

There are 46 questions in this survey.
(This question is mandatory)

Please indicate if you agree to participate in the survey!



Please let us know if you would like to participate in further phases of the research! A group interview on your university experiences or in a wellbeing-supporting workshop. 
The focus group interview on perceived importance and the group workshop of 3 hours are planned to take place in June 2024. By participating, you will not only support our research, but you will also get to try first-hand a program designed to support student well-being. You can find out about the exact dates here:  
You can register for the data security reasons in a separate database. Click here! or copy this to your browser:

Your participation in this research is very valuable to us and we would like to reward it accordingly.  27 places in different individual or group self-awareness and mental health-promoting programs are offered for lottery by the faculty members of the Institute of Mental Health. These programs will take place during the autumn semester 2024-25 and the exact dates will be agreed with the winners. 

More information is available on our website

If you would like to win, please indicate your participation accordingly!


In order to keep in touch regarding the lottery, the interviews or the workshop, please enter a unique identifier, based on which we can contact you! You will be able to track the identifiers on our website: The identifier must consist of 7 characters: the first two letters of your first given name + the first two letters of your mother's first given name + the last two numbers of your own phone number (ex. Christina + Paula + 4334504545 = CHPA545)

I. Demographic Questions
(This question is mandatory)
I have an active student status at Semmelweis University. 
When were you born? 
Open date/time selector
Your gender is
Which country's citizen are you in the first place? 

Do you consider yourself a member of a minority group based on your nationality? (in the country where you have primary citizenship)

Do you consider yourself a member of a minority group based on your religion? (in Hungary)
Do you consider yourself a member of a minority group based on your sexual identity?
Do you consider yourself a member of a minority group based on any physical, mental, or sensory condition? (e.x. hearing impairment)
How would you describe your relationship status currently?
How would you describe the place where you spent most of your childhood?

Did you grow up in the same country as where you are studying right now?


What is the highest level of education completed by your mother?
In which faculty are you studying at Semmelweis University right now?
On which undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate course are you studying currently?
In which year are you studying the above-indicated course?
What previous education(s) do you have? (multiple answers are possible)
How would you describe your current living circumstances?
Are you currently working?

Of the following statements, which one best describes your current financial situation?

II. Wellbeing




Q1. Please read each of the following questions and then select the point on the scale that you feel best describes you.

1 - never/ terrible/ not at all

to 10 - always/excellent/ completely


0 - never/terrible/not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - always/ excellent/ completely No answer
How much of the time do you feel you are making progress towards accomplishing your goals?
How often do you become absorbed in what you are doing?
In general, how often do you feel joyful?
In general, how often do you feel anxious?
How often do you achieve the important goals you have set for yourself?
In general, how would you say your health is?
In general, to what extent do you lead a purposeful and meaningful life?
To what extent do you receive help and support from others when you need it?
In general, to what extent do you feel that what you do in your life is valuable and worthwhile?
In general, to what extent do you feel excited and interested in things?
How lonely do you feel in your daily life?
How satisfied are you with your current physical health?
In general, how often do you feel positive?
In general, how often do you feel angry?
How often are you able to handle your responsibilities?
In general, how often do you feel sad?
How often do you lose track of time while doing something you enjoy?
Compared to others of your same age and sex, how is your health?
To what extent do you feel loved?
To what extent do you generally feel you have a sense of direction in your life?
How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?
In general, to what extent do you feel contented?
Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are?

Q2. This scale consists of a number of words that describe different feelings and emotions. Read each item and then click on the dropdown list next to the word and select one of the responses. Indicate to what extent you feel this way right now, that is, at the present moment.

1- very slightly or not at all     2 - a little      3 - moderately      4 - quite a bit          5 - extremely

1 very slightly or not at all 2 3 4 5 - extremely No answer

Q3. The following questions will ask you about various perceptions you hold about your view of the world and your place in it. Answer each question on the scale provided by checking the box that best expresses your feelings. If you are not sure of your of your answers or believe that the question is not relevant to you, then mark “Neutral” category. Please work quickly, do not spend too much time thinking about your responses to any single item. Usually, your first answer is your best response, so go with your first reaction to the item.

5- strongly agree

4- agree

3- neutral

2- disagree

1- strongly disagree

1 - strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 - strongly agree No answer
  All life is interconnected.
  In the quite of my prayers and/or meditations, I find a sense of wholeness.
  I have done things in my life because I believed it would please a parent, relative, or friend that had died.
I find inner stregth and/or peace from my prayers and/or meditations.
  I do not have any strong emotional ties to someone who has died.
 Although individual people may be difficult, I feel an emotional bond with all humanity.
  Although dead, memories and thoughts od some of my relatives continue to influence my current life.
My prayers/or meditations provide me with a sense of emotional support.
I feel that on a higher level all of us share a common bond.
III. Fontosság (Mattering)

Q4. The following five questions are designed to measure the degree to which you believe that you matter to others. Please choose the appropriate response for what you believe. 

1 Not at all

2 A little

3 Somewhat

4 Very much

1 - not at all 2 3 4 - very much No answer
How important do you feel you are to other people?
How much do you feel other people pay attention to you?
How much do you feel others would miss you if you went away?
How interested are people generally in what you have to say?
How much do people depend on you?

Q5. Below are a series of statements that represent feelings toward your university. Think about your relationships with the people in your university community and indicate the degree to which each statement is in line with your relationships. When you respond to these statements, do not think of specific others at the university, rather, try to focus in general as an entity or whole community. By “community” we mean students, faculty, administrators, and staff. Think of all these people as a whole when responding to these items. There are no right or wrong answers. Just answer as honestly as possible. Not all students feel the same way or are expected to feel the same way.
1- Strongly disagree       2- Disagree         3- Slightly Disagree         4- Slightly Agree       5- Agree    6- Strongly agree


1 - strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 - strongly agree No answer
The majority of people at my university recognize me.
Most people of my university community seem to notice when I come or go.
The people of my university community are usually aware of my presence.
The people of my university community generally know when I am around.
5. There is no one at my university who would share in my excitement about my accomplishments.
When I have a problem, people of my university community usually don’t want to hear about it.
If I had a setback, there would be no one at my university who would share in my feelings of unhappiness.
People in my university community don’t care about my personal welfare.
When people at my university need help, they come to me.
The people of my university community tend to rely on me for support.
Q18. Read the following statements and indicate how much you agree with each of them, keeping in mind that 1 corresponds to strongly disagree and 5 to strongly agree.
1 - strongly desagree 2 3 4 5 - strongly agree No answer
The people in the society value me as a person.
I feel I help meet the needs of society.
I am an important part of the society.
Society would not be be the same without me.
I influence the lives of people in society.
I feek like I matter to society.
My ideas are valued by the people in the society.
I am appreciated by the people in the society.
I have an influence on the way society works.
IV. Other health factors

Q6. PHQ-9. Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

0- not at all

1- several days

2- half of the days

3- nearly every day

0 - not at all 1 - several days 2 - half of the days 3 - nearly every day No answer
Little interest or pleasure in doing things.
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless.
Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much.
Feeling tired or having little energy.
Poor appetite or overeating.
Feeling bad about yourself—or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down.
Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television.
Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite—being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual.
Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way.

Q6b. If you checked off any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people?

Q7. How often have you been bothered by the following over the past 2 weeks?

0 - not at all 1 - several days 2 - more than half the days 3 - nearly every day No answer
Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge.
Not being able to stop or control worrying.
Worrying too much about different things.
Trouble relaxing.
Being so restless that it's hard to sit still.
Becoming easily annoyed or irritable.
Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen.

Q8. In the past month, on how many days have you done a total of 30 minutes or more of physical activity, which was enough to raise your breathing rate. This may include sport, exercise, and brisk walking or cycling for recreation or to get to and from places, but should not include housework or physical activity that may be part of your job.

Q9. The following question refers to your overall sleep quality for the majority of nights in the past 7 days ONLY.

Please think about the quality of your sleep overall, such as how many hours of sleep you got, how easily you fell asleep, how often you woke up during the night (except to go to the bathroom), how often you woke up earlier than you had to in the morning, and how refreshing your sleep was. 

During the past 7 days, how would you rate your sleep quality overall? (Please mark only 1 box)

0- terrible

10- excellent

Q10. In what follows, you will read statements about your Internet use. Please indicate on a scale from 1 to 5 how much these statements apply to you. 

1- never

2- rarely

3 - sometimes

4 - often

5 - always/almost always

1 2 3 4 5 No answer you feel that you should decrease the amount of time spent online? you neglect household chores to spend more time online?
 ... do you feel tense, irritated, or stressed if you cannot use the Internet for as long as you want to?
... does it happen to you that you wish to decrease the amount of time spent online but you do not succeed?
... do you spend time online when you’d rather sleep? you feel tense, irritated, or stressed if you cannot use the Internet for several days?
... do you try to conceal the amount of time spent online? people in your life complain about you spending too much time online?
...does it happen to you that you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are not on the Internet and these feelings stop once you are back online?
Q11. Do you have any psychiatric diagnosis? 
V. Akademic factors





Q12.  You are now presented with a series of statements. We ask you to indicate how much you believe each of them is true.

1 - not at all true

2- barely true

3 - moderately true

4- exactly true



1 - not true at all 2 3 4 - exactly true No answer
I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough.
If someone opposes me, I can find the means and ways to get what I want.
It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals.
Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations.
I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events.
I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort.
I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities.
When I am confronted with a problem, I can usually find several solutions.
If I am in trouble, I can usually think of a solution.
I can usually handle whatever comes my way.

Q13. Think back to the last time you took an exam or test and answer the following questions thinking about how you felt. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers but try to answer as accurately as possible.

If you feel the statement is very true for you, mark 7; however, if a statement is not true for you at all, look for 1. If the statement is more or less true for you, find the number between 1 and 7 that best describes it.

1 - not true at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 - very true No answer
When I take a test I think about how poorly I am doing compared with other students
When I take a test I think about items on other parts of the test I can't answer.
When I take tests I think of the consequences of failing.
I have an uneasy, upset feeling when I take an exam.
I feel my heart beating fast when I take an exam.
Q13b When did you take your last test/exam (how many weeks ago)? 

Q14. Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement. 

4- Strongly Agree

3- Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree

1 - strongly disagree 2 3 4 - strongly agree No answer
I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.
I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure.
I am able to do things as well as most other people.
I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
I take a positive attitude toward myself.
On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.
I wish I could have more respect for myself.
I certainly feel useless at times
At times I think I am no good at all.

Q15. In this section, you can read sentences on procrastination. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.

1 - Disagree

5 - Agree

1 - egyáltalán nem jellemző 2 3 4 5 No answer
I put off projects until the last minute.
I know I should work on academic tasks, but I just don’t do it.
I get distracted by other, more fun, things when I am supposed to work on academic tasks.
When given an assignment, I usually put it away and forget about it until it is almost due.
I frequently find myself putting important deadlines off.
VI. Social support

Q 16. Please express your level of agreement with each of the following statements!

1 - strongly disagree

5- strongly agree


1 - strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 - strongly agree No answer
There is a special person who is around when I’m in need
There is a special person with whom I can share my joys and sorrows
My family really tries to help me.
I get the emotional help and support I need from my family.
My friends really try to help me.
I can talk about my problems with my family.
I have friends with whom I can share my joys and my sorrows
There is a special person in my life who cares about my feelings
My family is willing to help me make decisions.
I can talk about my problems with my friends.
In the past 6 months, with how many people were you able to discuss important matters or problems? (Please enter a specific number. If none, enter 0.)
If there were people with whom you could discuss important matters, were any of them associated with Semmelweis University?
Q17c) If there are such individuals, are they
End the last final questions

Would you like to share with us anything else? 

If you feel like sharing your thoughts and ideas in person, register to our focus group interview. Click here!

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