Educational material for practicing health care professionals

Educational materials were compiled for practicing health care professionals in their own hospital environment on the topic of patient safety (PS) in general and handover in specific in a 30-hour time-frame per hospital related to three different educational methods.

The first one focuses on reaching simultaneously a critical mass of health care professionals by external trainers with rather lectures with some case-studies and exercises.

The second method concentrates on a smaller multi-professional group from a concrete ward and by an external trainer it puts emphasis on giving practice of implementation beside the PS and handover knowledge.

The third method is almost the same with the exception of the trainer’s person, as this time the trainer itself is also trained during the 30-hour time-frame and is from inside of the hospital.

Educational material is available in English, Polish and Hungarian, while the description of training methods can be read at the third intellectual output (Methodological recommendation and guideline for organising and executing patient safety education courses).

Educational materials for Methodology 1:

Educational materials for Methodology 2-3:
(as the content of the training programmes was the same regarding these two methodologies)



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